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Excerpts from reviews

'Sally Morrison has been publishing short and long fiction since 1979. Her collection of short stories "I am a Boat" was published in 1989. Sally believes writing is about placing the human condition on paper. In just eight pages, in her story "Adam and Renata", she…shin(es) a light on their hopes and aspirations, giving us an insight into their very essence. She moves effortlessly from the internal to the external, placing them in context in their very own social, cultural and political landscape.'
(Anarchist Age Weekly Review No. 535 24th February - 2nd March, 2003)

'It was a great delight to pick up I Am a Boat by Sally Morrison and find that, although it is only her second book, in style, originality and literary quality, Morrison is fast approaching the Drewe and Garner class.
…The eleven stories in I Am a Boat explore intense concentrated moments in the lives of her protagonists. They are moments of crises: of madness, of love realised or lost, of betrayal, or of sudden understanding. Through the crisis the whole life of the central character is illuminated. Thus the stories are wonderfully dense in narrative, and Morrison's economical, elegant style is absolutely right.'
(Susan Ryan. Australian Book Review May, 1989)